When I get bored, I tend to buy useless stuff. Morbid curiosity puts a constant strain on my pocket, and it’s most obvious when I’m shopping on the amazing Discogs.com. You see, it’s expensive to get records mailed to my house – a record I want may only be £0.99, but I’ll end up paying £4 in postage for it. Luckily, a lot of people on Discogs.com have weight ranges for their postage prices, which means I can usually get 3 – 4 records sent right to my door without increasing to price of postage. Not a bad deal.
This, however leads to me putting my chosen record in my basket, and painstakingly searching through the rest of the seller’s inventory to see if I recognize anything else. Usually I don’t. Usually I pick the stuff with the stupidest cover or title I can find. Cue Charly Lownoise & Mental Theo “DJ Fuck”.
It sat there on the screen, staring back at me. Charly Lownoise & Mental Theo proudly on the cover, arms around each other in a ‘lads on the town’ kinda way. I recognise neither Charly nor Theo. Fuck it, ‘add to basket’.
The week passes and I forget what I’ve order along side my copy of requested record.
Sometimes we gamble and lose. A roll of the dice is often a desperate move, but sometimes you hit the fucking jackpot! Not only is this record so crazy it strides past avant garde and walks right into insanity, but I bloody recognise the track titled “Ultimate Sextrack”.
Believe it or not, in 1994 or 1995 “Ultimate Sextrack” was the track to have. Its council scheme hardcore at its best. I used to jam to this – at school discos. Let that sink in for a minute. I remember this FROM SCHOOL DISCOS.
I grew up in a wonderful time.
This is a real record. Its hard to believe, but it’s not a parody of bad music, nor is it a hipster produced ironicly inclined production. Seriously, we thought this was cool. Part of my still does.
Track 2 has yodeling 🙁
Charly Lownoise & Mental Theo – DJ Fuck
Charly Lownoise & Mental Theo – Tiroler Kaboemsch
Charly Lownoise & Mental Theo – Ultimate Sextrack
Charly Lownoise & Mental Theo – Verrotted