No one asked for them, but here they are – the acappellas from Plus. Please note that some reverbs and effects have random phase elements and are impossible to remove now, but there are very few, and I still think they sound good.

No one asked for them, but here they are – the acappellas from Plus. Please note that some reverbs and effects have random phase elements and are impossible to remove now, but there are very few, and I still think they sound good.
No idea is original, we stand on the shoulder of giants and we steal and plunder from those before us.
This was going to be longer, but I’m out of time – I gotta rush.
I found the samples from the original Tessio, you know the one with the huge intro? Rather than just point you to where they came from I thought I would piss everyone off my loading them up in the MPC and making a house mashup like it’s still 1999. Then I discovered that I really liked it, so I’m going to do something else with it. It’s like a fever dream of the original.
It’s rough as a badger’s arse at the moment, but I thought it would be cool to hear what I was working with. I’ll have a much more polished version soon, but not till after Xmas.
Have a listen to the demo/proof of concept.
I’ve churned these things out recently, almost as if I employ not type of quality control what so ever. Really, this was just a test bed for trying to improve my percussion writing skill, which are horribly lacking. It’s not bad, I think I managed to get a bit of groove out of the old Vermona. Quite a cool bassline, I do like that.
Have you ever wondered where that weird scratch came from in Big Sean’s “Marvin & Chardonnay”? No, nor has anyone else really, that’s why I genuinely doubt that this series of articles will ever develop into something interesting. So just endure the first entry and hope they don’t catch on.
For a long time I’ve suspected that Big Sean’s bizarrely jarring and yet oddly orchestral hit sampled our very own Funkstar De Luxe mega hit, and seemingly the main subject of this blog, “Sun Is Shining”. It’s the same groove and sound, but I could never get them to line up correctly – until now.
So after spending literally hours in my DAW sliding and pitching samples around (I politely remind you that it’s not a hobby, it’s an illness), I think I can conclude that “Marvin & Chardonnay” does indeed sample “Sun Is Shining”. If anyone cares (PROTIP: no one does) to get the match, it’s on from the third scratch, time stretched in 32nds.
“Marvin & Chardonnay” into “Sun Is Shining” via Ranking Joe Sample
The original sample is in fact from little known reggae artist and DJ, Ranking Joe. Sadly, I’ve never been able to track down the original track – it’s possible it was a one-off radio thing, but the earliest use of the sample I found is in the excellent Phuture Assasins “Shot Like Dis”. I don’t have the record at the moment, but you can still hear it here.
There’s also some bullshit “Mambo Italiano” remix with the sample, but now I’m going to stop scaring off readers.
Sorry everyone.