Yes, I’m still alive and yes, I have pre-ordered the new Ripatti07 and the limited yellow Visa – although who knows when they’ll actually be released. 07 (or Ricky’s as it’s called) is pretty interesting, doesn’t seem to sound like much else. It reminds me a little bit of the Round One To Five records, but I don’t know if I’ve mentioned that or not.
Serviced a lot of gear, moved everything to Logic X (still learning), and I’m still looking for a good MIDI interface (although the MOTU Microlite will probably be what I end up with). Logic X is fucking solid, and the MPC 4000 is working a treat – in fact all my gear is currently working a treat.
Now I just need to find some time. Oh, and workout the pinout to an old Amphenol connector of an old spring reverb unit. Lucky for me I’m spending next week in Taiwan, then India, then Thailand, then Scotland, then Italy leaving all my gear to rot :-[