The blog has been feeling a bit neglected recently, I’m struggling to get the time to actually update with what I’d like to write about (quick review of the Vladislav Delay gig in Hamburg, I finally got a copy of DeepChord vs. Octal Industries, and there’s a new M. Sayyid mixtape dropping soon).
I’ve managed to be ill in three countries this week, as well as sleep 80 percent of my weekend away. The other 20 percent of this weekend was spent in my little (now, not as broken) studio.
I wrote three pieces, one of which was deleted for failing to reach even my lowly standards. I bought a couple of cheap Chinese guitar pedals a few months back and have only just found the time to install the in the studio. I’ll maybe put a review of them up later in the month(s), but needless to say I think they are pretty good, and are excellent value for money.
Anyway, everything is midi sequenced through my MPC4000 and it’s all hardware synthesis and effects – I don’t do that VST bull (keepin’ it real y’all!). If anyone is interested in the particulars of the production or gear, leave me a comment and I’ll get back to you.
I’ve used the K-12 scale for mastering (and even then, quite gently) so turn it up and enjoy some dynamics. If you listen really close, you’ll here one of my tubes begin to fail in “Drama” around the 3:20 mark.
I’ll think about doing this more frequently from now on, at the moment it feels disingenuous to critique so much music and not put my neck on the line (I prefer to say “cock on the block”, but let’s keep things decent). That may change though.
You can download the MP3 or Flac here: Anima Recordings